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Someone whose spiritual practice is directed toward the achievement of enlightenment. One who possesses the compassionate, selfless determination to reach enlightenment for the sole purpose of enlightening all mankind.


buy a 47 foot sailboat in the Mediterranean 


name the boat Bodhisattva


sell my home and worldly possessions


set off on a circumnavigation of the globe


follow the routes of explorers, settlers, spice traders, pirates and colonial warships


investigate and report on the people and creatures who

live there


provide weekly reports through; ​

YouTube, Written Blog, Instagram, Facebook,

Editorial Contributions

Sailing Route

starting in the Mediterranean


visit France, Italy, Greece, Canary Islands, Cape Verde, and the Caribbean


from there, either south America or Panama Canal to the South Pacific (TBD)


and then keep going round until I see it all


four years is the current forecast


explore the world in search of enlightenment and share that with the world 


document the way that people live and think;

where are they from? how did they get there?
what are they looking for in life? 


get back to my roots and feed my soul


support local businesses, communities and families


discover how similar our core values may be with those in other countries


help others to develop a passion for exploration and discover themselves 


find out what really makes us who we are, not the Western "us" but the Global "us"


bring the world to the people thus bringing people together


create something greater than myself

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